During the quarantines we all relied on the internet to stay connected with friends and family.
But the law of diminishing returns still applies. What started out seeking social connection but many of us found side effects of anxiety, depression, and isolation along the way.
Positive things first: social media helps us keep connected to friends and family that are physically distant from us and allowed for safe and responsible socialization during the quarantine. Isolation would have been much more difficult to endure without a window to the outside world: the internet and social media.
However, as we use social media we inevitably build habits. And not all of these habits are positive or promote wellbeing. Anxiety and depression can be linked back to our digital habits in many cases.
Whether it is fear and anxiety from being constantly confronted with the news and what’s going on in the world, or perhaps the feeling of inadequacy we get from seeing other people’s apparently successful lives on social meda, the internet can provoke our fears, insecurities, and anxieties.
How can we take the positive of social connection and leave the negative of anxiety?
This requires intentionality. Asking ourselves what intentional role we want social media and the internet to play in our lives can help us focus on what truly matters.
Listen to Episode 04: Social Media & Quarantine (feat. Jennifer Branstetter).
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